Education and Girls ;
from Contrary
to Complementary


"Around the world, more than 62 million girls are not in school. But all it takes is one girl with courage to start a revolution."

Girl Rising documentary poster
Girl Rising documentary poster

...addressing different barriers to accessing education.

Documentary by Richard E. Robbins, first released in the United States on March 7, 2013.

Bande d”annonce officiel !

Here is the link to Girl Rising's YouTube channel; which I recommend you take a look at. You will find there the official trailer but also videos by "chapter of stories".

Message from Richard

First, to quote him; "I was surprised at how obvious this correlation was, and how much this reality had not penetrated the consciousness of a certain audience" he said in a January 2013 interview with The Credits.

Thus, the documentary has three main objectives:

Moreover, fighting against girls' in-education would also help fight against poverty.

9 moving testimonials !

This documentary of more than an hour and a half, immerses us in the struggles of 9 young girls, each from a different origin, fighting to get an education.

Portrait of the 9 young girls
Portrait of the 9 young girls

I strongly invite you to visit the official Girl Rising website page, which gives more information about each girl.

Right in the middle of countries...

These 9 girls have only thing in common; development

Through this documentary we will follow the different obstacles that these 9 girls have faced, blocking them from their education.

Whether it be :

this documentary will show us the differences of life in developing countries.

BUT, ''Without falling into miserabilism''

Indeed, we will also find paths that have had their positive turning points. Notably with that of Sokha. A young Cambodian girl who goes from life in the garbage dumps to the life of a child star entering college.

Or Suma's, who after 6 years away from her family as a servant, is finally freed to go back to school.


The documentary received 2 awards in 2014. Notably; the NAACP Image Award for Best Documentary Film and the News & Documentary Emmy Award for Best Photography (Documentary and Journalistic Story).


With the voices of ;

Girl Rising

Girl Rising organization logo
Girl Rising organization logo

Girl Rising is also now a non-profit organisation, offering programmes for the education of girls.

Girl Rising uses its power, its storytelling weapon to change the way the world values and perceives girls and their education.

The organisation is divided into 3 major areas;

Finally, here is the link to the official Girl Rising website, which I recommend you take a look at to learn more about them.